
Generation Animation is a collaborative programme between the School of Media, Film and Journalism and local primary schools. With the rise of Digital Media and Creative Technologies the possibilities for introducing previously complex genres of media production, such as Animation, are now within reach for primary teachers and their pupils. Animation as a discipline sits at the interface of Art and ICT. As such, many Art and ICT teachers need support to develop Animation at primary level. Using some of the various approaches to animation in tandem with tablet computers and appropriate ‘Apps’ we have delivered an ‘Introduction to Animation’ programme for local schools.

iPads are the primary platform for recording and producing animation on the programme. To enable us to deliver the project to large numbers of pupils our students have been working alongside us, helping to deliver, guide and mentor the learning. This is a new approach to allowing students to get their ‘Tutoring in Schools’ certificate. Longer term goals for the project include upskilling teachers at local schools to be able to deliver the programme in future years and leave a legacy of innovation, creativity and aspiration.

Generation Animation 2017

Year 5 pupils from St Malachy’s Primary School, Coleraine and Milburn Primary School, Coleraine have engaged in Generation Animation. The P5 pupils have been mentored by students currently undertaking BSc Hons Interactive Media  Course Director of Interactive Media, Adrian Hickey, led and supervised the students from Ulster University with support from Claire Mulrone, Community Engagement Manager and Philip Turbitt, Outreach Officer.

Staff and students have worked with the children to produce the animation based on the following concepts:

• Reconciliation in Education
• Identity
• Rights of the Child
• Difference and Mutual Understanding

These concepts come from the The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which both schools have been using as the foundation to generate their animated stories as part of their Shared Education Programme.

Generation Animation has been shortlisted for Best Voluntary Project of the Year at the UUSU Awards.


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